They’re all closer than you think.

Peace and power; 
love, joy, and magic.

The room of your dreams is closer than you think; It’s just a parcel away. 

Black Dove Interior’s Parcel service brings white-glove, luxury design to your doorstep. An affordable and virtual alternative to full service design, it’s an innovative, creative, and smart process that delivers results customized to you and your home.



We connect one-on-one with you via a virtual consultation. Video or ring, whichever you prefer.


Here’s how this unique offering works: 

We follow-up with a questionnaire to help us identify all the pretty things you’d love to see as we create the room of your dreams. It includes questions about your style, the room(s) you want to design, and the ballpark budget for our purchasing service. 


Our purchasing service is a unique piece to our process. As your trusted partner in this process, our team does the shopping and buying for you. Because if you’re investing in your space and your story, the last thing we want you to worry about is working your way through a shopping list or calling store locations to see what’s in stock. We do that for you, and then send you the invoice at the end of the process.  


You send us pictures of the space as well as room measurements and any existing pieces of furniture, artwork, or keepsakes that you want to keep in the space; we also ask you to include inspiration - from pictures to Pinterest links, we want to know what magic lights up your soul when you think about what’s possible for this space.  


We get to work; we present our design to you via a digital file. 


Once you approve, we mail you everything you need - from samples to floor plan details to execution instructions. 


An extra dose of magic:

Each parcel we mail is wrapped with our signature olive branch. It is an ancient and sacred tradition. We hope it gives you - and this new room of your dreams - what it's given the generations who came before you: peace, abundance, protection.